Literary Arts Extravaganza Gallery

Welcome to the Gallery of Works for the Digital Arts and Culture 2009 Literary Arts Extravaganza. For a list of the presenters, please see the line-up!

Literary Arts Extravaganza
7:30pm, Monday, Dec. 14 2009
Winifred Smith Hall

Presented by Jessica Pressman and Mark C. Marino

Click the names below to read about the artists and their works.

Serge Bouchardon, "My Words" with Cyrille Boitel, Etienne Monier.

Jay Bushman, "Selections from The Spoon River Metblog?"

Roderick Coover, "Unknown Territories"

Christoph Girard, Lady Applicant: The Lazarus

Richard Holeton, "Custom Orthotics Changed My Life"

Chris Mann, "goes a little something like this."

Scott Rettberg, "Tokyo Garage"

J.P. Sipil?, ?Two Videopoems ?

Joel Swanson, "Binarisms"