As requested, here is a beginning list of resources on the topic of games in teaching. I’ve utilised other people’s lists mixed them all together, but it is a start. Let me know any suggestions you have. Christy Dena, 2005-6.

Also see related list of computer applications and resources for the Composition or Essay Writing classroom.



EdGames: ‘Musings and findings about teaching with games. Created by the learning community of EDTEC 670 at San Diego State University.’

MobilED: ‘ MobilED initiative is designing learning environments that are meaningfully enhanced with mobile technologies and services.’Mr. MacKenty: ‘I’m the geek at the Edgartown School, a small K-8 (ages 6 to 14) school. This site is dedicated to the effective use of technology in schools, and games in education.’: ‘I’m the geek at the Edgartown School, a small K-8 (ages 6 to 14) school. This site is dedicated to the effective use of technology in schools, and games in education.’SilverSprite: ‘Examples of COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) games being used for curriculum-based learning. These games are designed purely for entertainment, and not for learning or teaching. By compiling these examples, we show that such games are being used in schools and colleges by teachers and other educators, as part of curriculum-based learning.’

: ‘I’m the geek at the Edgartown School, a small K-8 (ages 6 to 14) school. This site is dedicated to the effective use of technology in schools, and games in education.’: ‘Examples of COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) games being used for curriculum-based learning. These games are designed purely for entertainment, and not for learning or teaching. By compiling these examples, we show that such games are being used in schools and colleges by teachers and other educators, as part of curriculum-based learning.’Forums

Education Arcade: ‘To broaden and sustain this work and to leverage emerging efforts at other universities and in industry, we have launched a new research initiative named The Education Arcade. This consortium: * Expands development work for and assessment studies of games in education; * Encourages broader investigations into the use of games in education with both industrial and university partners; and * Brings together a community of professionals and advocates interested in the future of videogames in education.’ Forum: ‘This forum has been specifically created for class teachers, parents and educators interested in running game making activities.’


Australian Games in Learning Project: ‘There will be materials and links to resources added to pages at this site to support the efforts of teachers in schools. These are exciting times for the adventurous teacher. Games in Learning can bring a whole new perspective to explore in designing the learning environments of tomorrow.’

Becta Computer Games in Education project: ‘This document describes a small-scale pilot study project involving the use of six computer games in school settings.’

Game Learning: ‘Welcome to my PhD homepage, which contains information about myself and my research into the educational potential of computer games. ‘

Game Learning: ‘This is the site for the Computer Game Design, Programming, Multimedia and Mathematics cluster of the Australian Schools Innovation in Science, Technology and Mathematics Project.’

Games and Education Research Network (GERN): ‘GERN, the Games and Education Research Network, connects diverse research into the role of digital games within education, teaching and learning. Areas of research interest include the use of games in schools; the relevance of games to the national curriculum / standards of various countries; identifying learning strands within games; and identifying support mechanisms for teachers and other educators who wish to use computer and video games.’

Schoolgamemaker: ‘A website about programming games at schools.’

Silversprite: ‘I have particular interests in: * the transfer of skills involved in playing computer and video games to practical, academic and learning applications.’

Water Cooler Games: ‘A forum for the uses of videogames in advertising, politics, education, and other everyday activities, outside the sphere of entertainment.’


Becta Games in Education: A practical information-sharing forum for those interested in examining the potential of computer and video games in education: archives are available to members.

Games In Learning: part of the Games in Learning Project.

Serious Games: This list encompasses a wide range of discourse within this area but most is focused on education, training, as well as policy and management exploration initiatives.

Books, articles and reports
Amory, A., Naicker, K., Vincent, J., & Adams, C. (1999) The use of computer games as an educational tool: identification of appropriate games types and game elements, British Journal of Educational Technology, 30(4), 311-321.

Clark, A (2005) Learning by Doing: A Comprehensive Guide to Simulation, Computer Games, and Pedagogy in e-Learning and Other Educational Experiences, Pfeiffer Wiley.

Gee, JP (2003). What Video Games have to Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kafai, Y. B. (2001) The Educational Potential of Electronic Games: From Games-To-Teach to Games-To-Learn

Kirriemuir, J., & McFarlane, A. (2004) Literature Review in Games and Learning, Bristol: NESTA Futurelab.

Loftus, G. R., & Loftus, E. F. (1983) Mind at Play. The Psychology of Video Games, New York: Basic Books.

Malone, T. W. (1981) ‘Toward a Theory of Intrinsically Motivating Instruction’, Cognitive Science, 5(4), 333-369.

Malone, T. W., & Lepper, M. R. (1987) ‘Making Learning Fun: A Taxonomy of Intrinsic Motivations for Learning’, In R. E. Snow & M. J. Farr (Eds.), Aptitute, Learning and Instruction: III. Conative and affective process analyses, Hilsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, pp. 223-253.

Marino, M. (2005) ‘Face to Face with Fa硤e 3/5‘,, 10th Nov.

Prensky, M (2001) Digital Game-Based Learning, New York: McGraw-Hill.

Papert, S. (1998) Does Easy Do It? Children, Games and Learning, Game Developer, June 1998, 87-88.

Reiber, L. P., Luke, N., & Smith, J. (1998) Project KID DESIGNER: Constructivism at work through play, Middle School Computer Technology Journal, Meridian, 1(1).

Reiber, L. P., & Matzko, M. J. (2001). Serious design of serious play in physics. Educational Technology, 41(1), 14-24.

Rettberg, S. (2005) ‘First Person, Games, and the Place of Electronic Literature‘, First Person: Electronic Book Review

Sandford, R. and B. Williamson (2005) ‘Games and Learning‘ Future Lab, National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts.

Trushell, J., Burrell, C., & Maitland, A. (2001) ‘Year 5 pupils reading an “Interactive Storybook” on CD-ROM: losing the plot?’, British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), 389-401.

more at Ren Reynolds online bibliography of game studies

‘Computer Club Information for Teachers‘, Haileybury College, Edrington, Australia [list of Game Maker teacher resources]

‘Game-based Learning’, e-Learning Centre [listing of papers on learnign with games]

Online dissertations

Squire, K (2004). Replaying History: Learning World History Through Playing Civilization III. PhD dissertation.

Egenfeldt-Nielsen, S (2005). Beyond Edutainment: Exploring the Educational Potential of Computer Games. [pdf]