Here are some new media publications that accept submissions on a rolling basis. They might be of interest to academics or artists in new media / text art - particularly graduates or upcoming artists.

Aspect: The Chronicle of New Media Art
ASPECT is a biannual DVD magazine of new media art. The mission of the publication is to distribute and archive works of time-based art. Each issue highlights 5-10 artists working in new or experimental media, whose works are best documented in video or sound. Each work can be viewed with or without an additional commentator audio track.
Currents in Electronic Literacy - call for book reviews
Currents in Electronic Literacy solicits reviews of the following recently published books. If you wish to review other books or scholarly web resources, please contact us. Suggested length of reviews is 750-1500 words. Please consult our Submission Guidelines.
Eyebeam Journal - call for submissions
The Eyebeam Journal is a new forum for discussion about art and technology. The Journal supplements Eyebeam’s ReBlog by presenting in-depth writings and interviews with artists, technologists, educators and theorists each month. Submissions need not adhere to a particular length requirement. Please submit your work as a Word file to Beth Rosenberg at Previously published works are acceptable. Selected works will be presented and archived in Eyebeam Journal and will receive a $100 honorarium.
EYEBEAM Circuit Art Show - call for art from graduate level and emerging artists
Eyebeam’s Education Studio, in collaboration with media artist Yael Kanarek, developed Circuit in response to the need for emerging artists, particularly those exiting graduate-level programs (ie artists who have not shown their work in a professional setting or outside of university) to exhibit work and receive professional critique and exposure to networks within the art and technology community. This three-day intensive program offers a particular group of artists working and experimenting with new tools and practices, the opportunity to….
Three times a year - the latest upcoming deadline is March 21, 2006
Fibreculture Journal - call for artistic interventions in the field of new media
Fibreculture Journal values academic scholarship in the field, and demonstrates this through the publication of refereed articles. However, the journal also wishes to expand notions of scholarship to include artistic interventions in the field by featuring collaborative hypertexts, database compositions, and low-band electronic installations that experiment with the philosophy, politics and culture of information and communication technolgies.
The objective of ImageTexT is to advance the academic study of comic books, comic strips, and animated cartoons. Under the guidance of an editorial board of scholars from a variety of disciplines, ImageTexT publishes solicited and peer-reviewed papers that investigate the material, historical, theoretical, and cultural implications of visual textuality. ImageTexT welcomes essays emphasizing (but not limited to) the aesthetics, cognition, production, reception, distribution and dissemination of comics and other media as they relate to comics, along with translations of previously existing research on comics as dimensions of visual culture.
JoDI: Journal of Digital Information
JoDI, along with other pioneering electronic-only journals, bases presentation on open, published standards and freely-available software. The aim is to make it browser-independent, and to restrict the need for browser plug-ins and software downloads to supplementary data.
KAIROS - open call for article inquiries to section editors
Kairos welcomes contributions from scholars pursuing a wide variety of online issues, from theory to praxis. Our journal carries regular Feature articles, a CoverWeb, Reviews, News, and Response sections, many of which are often interlinked, since the medium affords us this advantage. However, to keep submissions and peer review manageable, we ask that if you are considering submitting your work to Kairos, you first visit the various sections of a previous issue to determine which section best matches your work. Then simply direct your email inquiry to any of the editors listed below:
The Leonardo Abstracts Services, LABS - call for English and Spanish language thesis abstracts in the intersection of art/science/technology
The Leonardo Abstracts services, LABS, are seeking PhD, Masters and MFA thesis abstracts for their next quarterly publication cycle. English language and Spanish language databases are accepting thesis abstracts concerning the intersections of art, science and technology. The LABS databases are a leading international thesis abstracts service for emerging artists, researchers and scholars. Submissions are evaluated by international Peer Review Panels. The top rated abstracts are published by Leonardo….
Narrative: The Journal of The Society for the Study of Narrative Literature

Narrative is the official journal of The Society for the Study of Narrative Literature, the association for scholars interested in narrative. Narrative’s broad range of scholarship includes the English, American, and European novel, nonfiction narrative, film, and narrative as used in performance art.
Narrative Inquiry

Narrative Inquiry is devoted to providing a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative. Articles appearing in Narrative Inquiry draw upon a variety of approaches and methodologies in the study of narrative as a way to give contour to experience and life, conceptualize and preserve memories, or hand down experience, tradition, and values to future generations. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical approaches to narrative and the analysis of narratives in human interaction, including those practiced by researchers in psychology, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, and related disciplines.
NMEDIAC: the journal of new media and culture - call for ad hoc article and media submissions
NMEDIAC has adopted the mission of publishing peer-reviewed papers and audiovisual pieces that contextualize encoding/decoding environments and the discourses, ideologies, and human experiences/uses of new media apparatuses.

NMEDIAC provides an intellectual canvas where the cultural spaces and experiences of new media are theorized and rigorously explored within both global and local contingencies of the present and past. In particular, we publish articles that attempt inter- and intra-disciplinary research of new media texts and technologies. Works that incorporate either or both humanities and social science approaches to scholarship are welcome.

Poetics Today

Poetics Today brings together scholars from throughout the world who are concerned with developing systematic approaches to the study of literature (e.g., semiotics and narratology) and with applying such approaches to the interpretation of literary works. Poetics Today presents a remarkable diversity of methodologies and examines a wide range of literary and critical topics.

Setpixel is a collection of articles written by a small group of like-minded individuals. The general focus of the articles contained in the site are on interactive installations, aesthetics through computation, reactive experiments, creative computer vision, et cetera.

The direction of the collection of writings will be affected by the independent opinions and directions of the selected artists. These authors were carefully selected because of their works, thoughts, and outlook on the topics above. If you would like to contribute and feel like you have something to contribute to the viewers, please email us.

This site’s contents are simply: articles and authors with a category system. The articles are associated with multiple categories that apply to that article. Furthermore, there is a 1-5 rating given to each association to that article. For example, if you read an article and want more information, simply click a category and see all similar articles. If you would like to see a particular category added, or see a mistake, please email us!

SPAG - Society for the Preservation of Adventure Games - call for reviews and interviews in Interactive Fiction
Reviews, letters and ratings should be sent by email to Jimmy Maher, [email protected]. ASCII text format is preferred, but MS Word and other formats will be accepted as attachments. If in doubt, query first.

A SPAG review should be an intelligent discussion of a piece of interactive fiction, and it should be written in polished prose. Within those guidelines, all publishable reviews will be accepted as long as they deal with a game that satisfies a (rather broad) definition of “text adventure” or “interactive fiction”. Reviews of games that have already been reviewed three or more times in SPAG will only be accepted if they make a significant original contribution to the discussion of those games. Authors may not review their own games.

SPAG employs a “no-spoiler” policy for reviews, with the exception of reviews intended for SPAG Specifics (see below). This policy has been stretched a bit in the past, but now that SPAG Specifics exists, the no- spoiler policy will be enforced rather more strictly.

SPAG Specifics is a small section that appears in some issues of SPAG. This section is devoted to in-depth criticism of text adventures and has no restrictions on spoilers, recognizing that avoidance of spoilers can sometimes hinder the detailed examination of a piece of interactive fiction. Specifics reviews are required to provide in-depth analysis to justify their use of spoilers.

SPAG also occasionally publishes articles. If you’d like to submit an article for the next issue of SPAG, query first.

SPAG does not pay anything for contributions. Authors retain the rights to their works. SPAG accepts reviews that have been published before, but original works are preferred.

ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships - call for major scholarly projects in digital form
The ACLS announces the first annual competition for the ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships, thanks to the generous assistance of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This program invites applications to pursue digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and humanities-related social sciences. It is hoped that projects of successful applicants will help advance digital humanistic scholarship by broadening understanding of its nature and exemplifying the robust infrastructure necessary for creating further such works.

ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships are intended to support an academic year dedicated to work on a major scholarly project that takes a digital form. Projects might include but are not limited to: digital research archives, new media representations of extant data, innovative databases, and digital tools that further humanistic research. ACLS does not support creative works (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translations, or purely pedagogical projects. The ACLS will award up to five ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowships in this competition year. Each fellowship carries a stipend of up to $55,000 towards an academic year?s leave and provides for project costs of up to $25,000.

This year???s successful applicants may take up the fellowship in 2006-2007 or at any time up to September 1, 2007, but candidates must commit themselves firmly to their preferred timeframe on their completed applications.

Amount (for stipends): up to $55,000
Amount (for project costs): up to $25,000
Tenure: one academic year, plus institutional support for an additional

Completed applications must be submitted through the ACLS Online Fellowship Application system ( no later than 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, November 10, 2005. Decisions will be announced in late March 2006


Style invites submissions that address questions of style, stylistics, and poetics, including research and theory in discourse analysis, literary and nonliterary genres, narrative, figuration, metrics, rhetorical analysis, and the pedagogy of style. Contributions may draw from such fields as literary criticism, critical theory, computational linguistics, cognitive linguistics, philosophy of language, and rhetoric and writing studies. In addition, Style publishes reviews, review-essays, surveys, interviews, translations, enumerative and annotated bibliographies, and reports on conferences, Web sites, and software.
Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Venacular
Vectors maps the multiple contours of daily life in an unevenly digital era, crystallizing around themes that highlight the social, political, and cultural stakes of our increasingly technologically-mediated existence. As such, the journal will speak both implicitly and explicitly to key debates across varied disciplines, including issues of globalization, mobility, power, and access. Operating at the intersection of culture, creativity, and technology, the journal focuses on the myriad ways technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations, both in the past and in the present.