Archive for August, 2007

Communication Studies seems to be heading in the direction of hardware and software along the lines of software and console studies. Once recent study calls for more “advanced” games. Unfortunately, “advanced” seems best measured in pixels rather than story units. And so continues the negotiations between hard and soft sciences and the […]

We Rotten Tomatoes

It was nearly three years ago that Mark Marino, Jeremy Douglass and Christy Dena started this blog. As we spoke about in our post for Reconstruction, Mark and Jeremy already knew each other in California, but Christy was in Australia, unaware of her blogmates-to-be. For two and a half years since WRT’s launch, we have […]

After a month or so of busying ourselves in the offline world, WRT can now return to our virtual lives. Our blogging fingers refreshed and our computers rehabbed, we hereby resume our regularly scheduled blogging activities. We have got a long cue of issues all itching for their slot time in the RSS feed.
At […]