Archive for the 'CYOA' Category

What can we learn from Curious George?
(By no means do I mean to make a monkey out of one of the forefathers of eliterary criticism and a mentor of mine, a man who worked harder than most to firmly plant hypertext in a literary and academic arboretum.? If anything, this post swings?between homage and?lament).


Flowchart art uses a multilinear diagram that convey stories or experiences. Examples such as EGBG’s ???Telemarketing Counterscript??? were discussed earlier on WRT in relation to interactive fiction mapping practices. Some other examples of flowchart art include works by Scott McCloud, Chris Ware, and Craig Robinson.
Scott McCloud’s ???Carl??? sequence from Understanding Comics is a multilinear story […]

A recent episode of Dinosaur Comics wittily mocks tell-not-show writing styles, with main character T-Rex reformatting his poorly written story as a CYOA “if that is the format I have to use to tell my readers that they’re scared!”
CYOA is not the only format for instructing one’s readers on how to feel, of course. […]