Archive for June, 2005

Chatbot Profiles

WRT offers feedback for botmasters.

ELOping (updated)

ELO launches redesigned site and moves to IOWA

Gradation of failure in IF

Gradation of Failure is a discussion of large and small failures in IF that compliments my recent series on frustration in IF, and I highly recommend reading both it and the comments thread.

To summarize: failure can be swift if a mistake is made (large gradation) or gradual with an accumulation of mistakes (small gradation). IF […]

Coover’s card-story “Heart Suit” intervenes in narratology-ludology debate.

Spam Sense

I know we all receive spam, and that the chunks of text are not perhaps great examples of Text Art, but gee I find some of them interesting. A paragraph of text is often sent, with no coherence, to fool the spam filters that sense is present by the occurance of a certain amount […]