Archive for February, 2006

cent milles milliards de po?mesuploaded by mjutabor
In Raymond Queneau’s combinatoric sonnet, “Cent milles milliards de po?mes,” 10 sonnets of 14 lines each are cut in strips. By selecting strips the reader can create 10^14 recombinations, which, as the title says, is 100,000,000,000,000 possible poems. But one can arrive at 10^14 poems by many […]

Devices in dialog

Me & mY Sis.
In this photo, two cellphone screens contain two halves of a single word / phrase (”I LO / VE U”) - a digital friendship charm between sisters.
This didn’t require special software, and the phones aren’t linked as in a multi-monitor desktop - each phone is simply using a related graphic as its […]

Flowchart art involves lines of flow between pages, lexias, or, in the case of comics, panels. Common examples of flow include both multilinear plot branching and the arrangement of monolinear elements - as was previously discussed using examples of flowchart art in the work of Scott McCloud, Chris Ware, and Craig Robinson. After […]

Designing Story DNA

For those who follow the comments threads of this blog, you’ll know that Richard Wallace posted about “territories of language” and the visualisation of Alice’s brain. The various images display the categories of the Alicebot brain (the AIML) according to the amount of categories, how the patterns are linked, the same word start points and […]

Gimcrack’d is an innovative hypertext writing anthology website whose authors make use of TiddlyWiki - a personal wiki editing environment that works like stretchtext, dynamically revealing and hiding reshuffled chunks of text as you read. The site, subtitled “an exhibition of narrative and machinery,” hosts a small collection of experimental hypertexts ranging from tales […]