Archive for the 'poetry' Category

?For those lucky to be in the UK mid June there is an exhibition worth catching: e-motive: Visual Poetry in the Digital Age. The exhibition ‘is the first UK exhibition of computer-generated visual poetry’ with the following artists from around the globe: Jim Andrews, Giselle Beiguelman, Ladislao Pablo Gyori, Eduardo Kac, Robert Kendall, Mar?a Menc?a, […]

cent milles milliards de po?mesuploaded by mjutabor
In Raymond Queneau’s combinatoric sonnet, “Cent milles milliards de po?mes,” 10 sonnets of 14 lines each are cut in strips. By selecting strips the reader can create 10^14 recombinations, which, as the title says, is 100,000,000,000,000 possible poems. But one can arrive at 10^14 poems by many […]

Dave Miller emailed me late last year and I only just followed up by checking out his blog and thesis. He has created and researched networked narratives. You can find out about his works at his blog, where you can also get a copy of his Masters: ???When the Network Becomes An Author: […]

While reading the blog of the code-artist mez (Mary-anne Breeze, a.k.a. net_wurker), I encountered her Web Statistics Poem Generator v.1, a blog entry which specifies a process resulting in a poem.
_Input:_ 3/9/05 key word entries
1 + 3 + 5 + 7
4 + 8 + 10
11 + 13 + 15
16 + 17 + 20
21 + […]

As most of you will be aware, the Electronic Literature Collection — Call for Works has gone out. To qualify, the work needs to be:
Literary quality will be the chief criterion for selection of works. Other aspects considered will include innovative use of electronic techniques, quality and navigability of interface, and adequate representation of the […]