Archive for February, 2005

Peter Plantec of V-People and Richard S. Wallace have books that accompany their botware. The books are how-to manuals and also expouse some bot aesthetics/poetics (particularly in the case of Plantec). Of course they are optimistic and even euphoric. With predictions of bots taking over the planet, a bot in every pot, […]


‘Interactive stories’ are coming out on any platform, the latest one to surprise me are those created for iPod. ‘Kenoiyan’ has created a website, iStory Silver, to give iStory creators the opportunity for publication and ‘appreciation’. But what is an iStory?

An iStory is an interactive story game that can be played on an Apple iPod, […]

Critical Code Studies

While writing some commentary on chatbot code, I realized that I was implementing some of the textual analysis techniques literary studies promotes, a kind of close reading engaging in exegesis and extrapolation. It occurs to me that this line of analysis parallels my reading of scientific documents, and I’ve been wondering if we shouldn’t […]

What sort of character suits a chatbot? An inhibited and inarticulate character obviously does not. Characters don’t have to be eloquant though they can be abusive, like one of my favourites: Artificial Iniaes. What do they NEED to have as traits? Obviously, they need to want to talk, talk with strangers, want to ask, want […]

I’ve decided to create a specific category to deal with human interaction with text on a computer. Human-computer-interaction (HCI) doesn’t address it specifically though does subsume it, and human-agent-interaction (HAI) can just for being in the neighbourhood. So, posts under human-computer-text-interaction (HCTI) will look at how humans perceive, interpret, react to text on a screen. […]