Archive for July, 2005

Hot Coffee: GTxA Scandal

GTxA and the “Hot Coffee” scandal.

William Morris was a pattern designer, printer, calligrapher and weaver in the late 1800s who believed that
the nature of a society’s applied arts and architecture was a litmus text for its moral health and wellbeing. Poor design and gratuitous decoration were the natural results of a workforce divorced from creative decision-making within the […]

What is the relationship between a link in a hypertext, a keyword in a chatbot, and an a noun/object in IF? (This isn’t a joke that ends up with talking rope). We might consider this, in light of Christy’s terminology, cross-media poetics.
(IF folks:

The madness has already begun. Fa?ade seems to have far outstripped what was foretold…But wait a second, is it a game at all? The narratologists and ludologists have been assuring me that the debate is over, or never happened, but it might be fruitful here.
There are several ways to use Fa?ade. There […]

Today marks another milestone in interactive drama as Michael Mateas and Andrew Stern launch Fa?ade, a stunning interactive drama.

On the face of it, Fa?ade is everything it describes itself to be. It provides a user the opportunity of being a player in a twenty-minute interactive drama that is serious in tone, but not without […]