Archive for the 'Conferences' Category

Or perhaps more broadly Electronic Literature en Español.
Two events have recently brought my attention to the community of Electronic Literature in Español, although both of these events draw on scholars from multiple languages. The two conferences are:

Literatures from Text to Hypertext (9/21/2006 - 9/23/2006)
III Congreso Online Observatorio para la Ciber Sociedad (11/20/2006 - 12/3/2006) […]

DAC Deadline

August 28th is the deadline for abstracts for DAC (Digital Arts and Culture) 2007–the premiere international electronic arts conference– held this year in Perth, Austrailia. The conference has been around since 1998 and has established itself as an important annual nexus of researchers and artists of digital works.
Jeremy went last year to represent WRT […]

This week, WRT’s Jeremy Douglass is in Copenhagen with all the kids at the international Digital Arts and Culture (DAC) 2005 conference. He will be presenting a paper on our collaborative outing which begins to layout the ideas behind Benchmark Fiction (benchfic).

Continuing a series of posts on Saturday sessions at the Transliteracies 2005 Conference:

Anne Pascual and Marcus Hauer presented on txtkit, a powerful piece of text search and visualization software that first parses the words, paragraphs, and sentences of a text into a database, then adds real-time filtering. It also displays reading history (both personal […]

Continuing a series of posts on Saturday sessions at the Transliteracies 2005 Conference:

George Legrady spent the first half of his talk reviewing of some of his previous work in digital text art design, and the second half talking about Making Visible the Invisible, his project in production for the Seattle Public Library, a catalog display […]