Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

11:13 pm: The dark highway rolls out before you. In a few hours you’ll be heading out of town with a sweet young thang. As you drive, all you can think about is — WHOMP-CRERR-FLONK — a body-shaped object smashes the windshield and when you look up the car is in a ditch. All you […]

A year ago, we discussed the idea of QR Code and unreadable digital text - and this spring, we began work on a QR-based project that uses the unreadability to retell a classic cryptographic mystery. Here is another aesthetic experiment in unreadable encoding - a poem often accused of illegibility, rendered in columns of […]

On Tuesday, May 9, UCLA and?the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored an afternoon conference entitled “Girls?’n’ Gaming,”?focussing on “where girls and women are in gamers and what they want.”? The conference followed a workshop: “Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender, Games and Computing.”? Below are notes from?the first?of the three panels.?
(Rough notes)
Of […]

What is a botmaster?
If you turned today to a simple Google search for “botmaster” you might find three answers:

A bot author or creator - someone who programs with AIML or on Pandorabots (results 1, 2)
An individual who is responsible for and/or maintains a bot - as per a computer jargon dictionary (result 3)
A computer criminal […]

(This is the second of a collection of profiles of New Media programs around the globe. If you would like to contribute a profile of a program, even your own, please send it to Mark Marino. Use the format below as a template.)