Archive for the 'Multi-Modal' Category

New Media text: Golpe de Gracia from Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez Ruiz.

Author of El Relato Digital, Jaime Alejandro Rodríguez Ruiz(with his team of designers) has once again proven himself to be a serious artist and innovator in the realm of electronic narrative with the release of his latest piece, Golpe de Gracia. Ruiz, who teaches at the University of Javeriana in Bogotá, continues to prove himself a shape-shifter, metamorphosizing his narratives into whatever new media forms he encounters. As a result, his works serve as lessons of the possibility and limitations of these forms. They are a kind of literary stylebook, encyclopedias of forms, as he would have it. From Gabriella Infinita to Golpe de Gracia, we can trace his experiments in these forms, which both stand alone and combine to build complex narratives.

Split Screen Banquet

I was shown this site about a year ago and have been enamoured with it ever since. It is a repository of split-screen imagery from film, TV and installation art. Here is the way James Seo described his blog when he started it in July 2005:
Split Screen is a weblog dedicated to the art of the split screen and other […]