Archive for the 'Poetics' Category
We’ve discussed the various possible forms of constrained writing many times here, so why not ‘constrained clicking’? I was referred to a blog collective, TruthBeauty, from a out-of-the-ways town in Australia, Wagga Wagga, and discovered a post by ‘casey’ about a great wikipedia game. Here is the post reblogged here:
over the school holidays my dear son Zach […]
ridcat: an interview with creator Neil Kandalgaonkar
0 Comments Published by Jeremy Douglass June 18th, 2006 in Uncategorized, generators, Poetics, Features, Text Art, Software.“ridcat” is a project that visualizes political speeches “from literary imagery to actual imagery,” producing a cloud of iconic photographs. The transformation is fascinating both in its products and through its process - a psychotherapy technique called Regression Imagery Analysis. WRT interviewed creator Neil Kandalgaonkar.
WRT: When did you develop ridcat, and when was it first […]
Literatronica: The next generation of hypertext authoring
7 Comments Published by Mark Marino May 22nd, 2006 in Uncategorized, ASCII, HCTI, hyperfic, Poetics, Features, Criticism, MSA, Software, Fictionality.Hypertext literature?is ready for a new?tool and it’s name is Literatronica.
Screen as Tabula Lucida
1 Comment Published by Jeremy Douglass May 22nd, 2006 in Uncategorized, Poetics, Off Topic, Text Art, MSA.Pan Am Stewardess, uploaded by splorp
Begin with an old distinction: on the one hand, photographic images, which reflect the existence of real things in the real world. On the other hand, drawings, paintings, renderings, and other representations which may signify things, but do not testify to their reality. Digital camera files belong to the first […]
Bot Abuse, Interactive Misuse
0 Comments Published by Jeremy Douglass May 19th, 2006 in Uncategorized, Poetics, bots, Features, Text Art, HAI, Fictionality.This April 22, CHI 2006 hosted the second annual “Abuse” workshop on interaction gone bad. Last year, the theme was “The Darker Side of Human-Computer Interaction.” This year’s theme: “Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies.” The first workshop was chaired by Antonella de Angeli, Sheryl Brahnam, and Peter Wallis, and they were joined in organizing […]