Archive for the 'ASCII' Category

Behold: part of the dust jacket of Nick Montfort’s monograph on IF, “Twisty Little Passages,” as rendered by the HTML Convert.

Now, my question: is this ASCII art?

A good first answer would seem to be “yes and no,” and I’ll go ahead and indicate that using a similar technique to the one above:


Following up on the recent discussion of IF news, here is a grab-bag of digital text art news items. Our general practice at WRT is to add interesting articles to our bookmark feed as we find them (, but only blog on when we have substantial commentary. We may experiment with writing a monthly […]

ELO Call

As most of you will be aware, the Electronic Literature Collection — Call for Works has gone out. To qualify, the work needs to be:
Literary quality will be the chief criterion for selection of works. Other aspects considered will include innovative use of electronic techniques, quality and navigability of interface, and adequate representation of the […]


Like lightwriting and waterwriting, and I’d like to consider a new category of (digital) text art - biowriting.
I’m proposing “biowriting” as a term for symbolic inscription in bioart.
What is bioart? Bioart is art which uses living biological organisms as material components. This definition encompasses biomasses of all sizes, from individual bonsai to complex arrangements of […]

IRC Quote Database is home to the QDB (Quote Database) - a huge compendium of (generally humorous) quotes from IRC chat logs. Some are unintentionally funny moments, some are staged encounters, some are ancient jokes and punchlines that happened to be recited across a text interface.
For those not familiar with IRC (internet relay chat), it is the […]