Archive for the 'games' Category

On Tuesday, May 9, UCLA and?the National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored an afternoon conference entitled “Girls?’n’ Gaming,”?focussing on “where girls and women are in gamers and what they want.”? The conference followed a workshop: “Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender, Games and Computing.”? Below are notes from?the first?of the three panels.?
(Rough notes)
Of […]

ELO Call

As most of you will be aware, the Electronic Literature Collection — Call for Works has gone out. To qualify, the work needs to be:
Literary quality will be the chief criterion for selection of works. Other aspects considered will include innovative use of electronic techniques, quality and navigability of interface, and adequate representation of the […]

The New Media Consortium Online Conference on Educational Gaming is being held on December 7-8, 2005. The conference is held live and online with presentations ‘ondemand’.
The conference is designed to continue the very engaging and rich dialogs begun at the recent NMC Regional Conference at Yale with a broader audience, and further explore how […]

Run Online

Locative Arts (where a game is played with people running through the streets, rigged with PDAs, GPS and phones, usually with online players as well) have been big for a few years now. I missed the last Blast Theory event that happened in Oz last year and so am keen not to miss another one. […]

A collection of 22 articles, brought out by sagas writing interactive fiction and sagasnet, looks like an excellent resource for researchers, practitioners, lecturers and commissioners of interactive content. Developing Interactive Narrative Content covers a range of arts types & concerns.
[T]he reader explores the expanding field of interactive media itself by covering iTV, interactive film, games, […]