Archive for the 'Text Art' Category

What I bought, was a game; what I found was a authorware in a game. “The Movies” by Lionhead Studios falls into the grey area between authorware and video game. Players of the game can use it to make and share content. What can we as electronic authors make of this new genre?

“Literatronica” is an adaptive hypertext system that transforms the delivery and experience of literary hypertext. Earlier in the year, WRT posted about the system. Now it offers this interview with Literatronic programmer Juan B. Gutierrez, who is also author of the literatronic adpative hypertext Condiciones Extremas or Extreme Conditions.

The online hypermedia humor mag Bunk Magazine ( has published a new issue, iBunk, taking up an iTunes/iFilm/iNfinitum theme. To this end, the magazine has a spiffy new iLook and a host of iContent that suggests that its iEditor is done with his dissertation.
In this issue the content, you will find:

Celebrity Playlists (Sauron, Harry Potter, Thomas Jefferson, the […]

DAC Deadline

August 28th is the deadline for abstracts for DAC (Digital Arts and Culture) 2007–the premiere international electronic arts conference– held this year in Perth, Austrailia. The conference has been around since 1998 and has established itself as an important annual nexus of researchers and artists of digital works.
Jeremy went last year to represent WRT […]

I have to confess I’m moonlighting in another world. I’ve started working in the virtual world Second Life as an “embedded journalist”. SLATE Magazine (Second Life Arts & Total Entertainment Magazine) is a new Second Life magazine that covers the arts in SL. There are 14 authors in the collective so far and we’re a […]