E-Lit Under the Stars at USC Feb 28th, 7pm
Published by Mark Marino February 21st, 2013 in Features.Join us for an evening of electronic literature and digital poetry!
E-lit Under the Stars (USC)
E-Lit Under the Stars
February 28: 7-9pm USC
Doors open at 6:30
Amaranth Borsuk
Samantha Gorman * Danny Cannizzaro
Roberto Leni
Erik Loyer
Mark C. Marino
Adam Sulzdorf-Liszkiewicz
Jody Zellen
Venue: Outdoors under the stars at the Institute for Multimedia Literacy, 746 West Adams Blvd., LA, CA 90089
University of Southern California.
Organized by Jessica Pressman and Mark C. Marino
Sponsored by The Institute of Multimedia Literacy, The Electronic Literature Organization, the Department of Creative Writng, and the Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab
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