After a month or so of busying ourselves in the offline world, WRT can now return to our virtual lives. Our blogging fingers refreshed and our computers rehabbed, we hereby resume our regularly scheduled blogging activities. We have got a long cue of issues all itching for their slot time in the RSS feed.

At the start of another academic year (at least, in the States), we invite researchers and artists (from around the globe) to contact us with news of your latest projects. While we do not cut-and-paste announcements, we’re always looking for new works to showcase, explore, and discuss. We especially encourage news of works by those who have yet to be the focus of the new media spotlights.

3 Responses to “(...and we're back) We Resume Transmissions”

  1. 1 severnspoon

    I have been attempting to sort out a narrative form that can be digested in fragments online. First up was Hindu Zombie Fever:

    I have been keeping a fictional blog as well:

    The idea is that digital identity is itself a fiction and so a deep narrative context can arise when the blog, wiki, or plain HTML are used as literary forms tied together with a digital identity. The authorial context is shifted to the digital identity whose signature is more friendly for the search engine. Where ever the digital identity manifests is a fresh fictional context. The narrative thread is woven into the fabric of the internet.

    The text is more “active” in the sense of “in play.” It unfolds over time. It’s revisions are live. The full artifact can only really be found via search engine. It is woven into the fabric of the internet.

  2. 2 andrew stern

    wrt rocks!

  3. 3 Mark Marino

    Thank you, Andrew! Thanks for giving us such wonderful works to write about!

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